Our high quality product range covers both Moving Coil (M.C.) phono cartridges, design of electronic equipment and a wide range of audio cables. We serve consumers, the audio industry and professionals in the recording industry.
The driving slogan of our company: The Link between Technique & Emotion” underlines our main aim in all our activities and product designs. This to support especially the enjoyment of all emotional aspects in music recording and replay. We focus in all activities on: Outstanding musical quality, very longstanding durability of our products, an optimal protection against negative environmental influences, the application of green raw materials with strict and exclusive manufacturing in Western Europe.
The Link between Technique & Emotion underlines our main aim in all our activities and product designs.
Some of our most characteristic products are:
Our toplevel The COLIBRI, The CONDOR, The CRIMSON, The CANARY, The GRASSHOPPER “BEAUTY” and the The FROG® series moving coil cartridge range, setting standards throughout the World.

Yannick NŽzet-SŽguin
Photo: Marco Borggreve
The world’s first Metal Free Conductor interconnect and loudspeaker cables making use of our patented Linear Structured Carbon ® (LSC) technology:
- The FIRST ® Ultimate and The FIRST ® Metal Screen coaxial interconnects
- The SECOND ® balanced interconnect and
- The THIRD ® loudspeaker cable.
Our Fusion Series of loudspeaker and interconnect cable products which employ our highly advanced Fusion Technology conductor material. Our Tunnel Technology audio interconnect The ORCHID. Our Hybrid collection of audio interlink and loudspeaker cables in which the conductors employ a combination of high purity dense silver coated Matched Crystal Oxygen Free Copper (OFC) and Linear Structured Carbon ®.
The fact that our product quality is highly recognised throughout the world finds proof in regularly issued positive reviews in the world Hi-Fi press and product distribution in 67 countries and over 30 industries worldwide.
See also our Team